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Bapuji B-School brings great value to everyone associated with Bapuji B-School from spreading awareness and recognition of the Bapuji B-School brand to creating opportunities for and guiding current students. We believe that while the Bapuji B-School experience begins on campus, it is enjoyed for the rest of one’s life. The alumni association plays a major role in building long-lasting relationships with alumni spread over the world.

Alumni Association

It gives me immense pleasure to say hello to all the Bapujians. As the Director of B-schools, I would like to put on record that we need to reinforce the wonderful, lovely, healthy bond which was initiated a long time back. I have come here to consolidate this bond and ensure you and I take this forum of association far ahead.

Now it is for you to come in the fore-front to take a lead and impel the association to phenomenally great heights.

“To serve and involve Bapuji alumni and students” To engage alumni talents in the preservation and promotion of image, tradition, pride and status of the institute.”

The mission of the Alumni Affairs Committee is to bring the alumni closer and strengthen the bond between the institute and the alumni.