
Entrepreneurship Development Cell

Entrepreneurship Development Cell strives to inspire and integrate a culture of innovation through a conductive entrepreneurial ecosystem to help budding entrepreneurs realize their dream of start up their own enterprises. It refines the entrepreneurial skills like idea generation, opportunity evaluation, business modelling, cash flow, forecasting, negotiation and sales skills through hands-on training, programs and mentoring and campus start-ups. It is also working towards building the leadership skills among the students to enhance their entrepreneurial competencies.

Under the Entrepreneurship Development cell, BAMR has proposed to conduct many activities like organizing entrepreneurship awareness camps, entrepreneurship development Programmes, skill development programmes, organizing business plan competition for the benefit of the student entrepreneurs.

Recognized as Member Of National Rural Entrepreneurship Mission

We are happy to inform you that BAMR have been recognized as MEMBER OF NATIONAL RURAL ENTERPRENEURSHIP MISSION and also Rural Entrepreneurship Development Cell is recognized by ministry of higher education under MGNCRE with a mission of inculcating rural entrepreneurship among the students.

The cell is involved in developing five different areas those are